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Illo Journal Project Update #2

For the second update, I am detailing the first city.

On the west coast of the main continent to the north is a sea port city with a fortress and light tower.It is a major place of trade. Harvested goods, livestock, crafted goods and mined materials are shipped out from the port. Items coming into the port include fine fabrics, spices, exotic produce and harvested goods from other cities in this world.

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The port sees many different types of ships bring in or taking out cargo to trade. Large cargo vessels, medium transport vessels and smaller fishing vessels. The fortress also keeps ships to help enforce security at the docks.

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Inbound trade is handled on the west side of the port and outbound trade on the east side. The duty offices are on either side of the dock to handle initial processing or inbounds and final processing for outbounds.

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Due to the nature of the culture of this city, there is a strong bureaucratic process. Most of the processing is moved along by negotiating accelerated processing fees after hours at the inn and tavern.

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