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Illo Journal Project

Hi everyone!
I thought that I would give a brief update.

I’ve finally decided, after all of these years, to use a journal for some of my drawings. I found a thick antique style yesterday at MomoCon.


The image is not inverted. Since I’m left handed, I will be using this journal upside-down.

I believe I will use this to illustrate a Sci-fi / Fantasy story I’ve been developing for a couple of years. I’ll share some sketches as I go. I think it might be cool to develop it as a graphic novel.

As for the email. I’m still having issues getting things straightened out. Hopefully this week will see some positive results. I will update when have more information.

Thanks for your support and interest!

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First blog post

Hi everyone!

I’m in the process of setting up here om Word Press but I wanted to give some basic information so that you know what I’m about.

I’m a freelance illustrator of Fantasy Art. I work in traditional media and lately have been building my digital skills. I’m currently using Manga Studio and a Wacom tablet. Both are great to work with.

My plan is to share my work and style here with you. As I get things rolling, I will post more of my work. I will also share my steps that I took to arrive at the final images and my techniques. I will also drop in some videos here and there.

I will also be setting up to sell prints, originals and fantasy portraits by commission.

If you like what you see, please let me know. I will also be setting up an email mailing list as I get thins going.

Thank you for your interest and support.

Fantastic Imaginations,

Richard Thaxton, XT Illos


“On The Edge” Pen and Ink on Paper 8.5″x11″, published in Spellbound 1993 for “Plainswoman”.IMG_0008