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Grotesque Moi! #25 – Planning for 2021

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I hope everyone has had a great holiday and a Happy New Year celebration! I’m really hoping that everyone has a successful year in whatever you do!

Plans for Grotesque Moi! are as follows:

  • Illustrations – The goal is to produce 6 to 12 new portraits this year. some may be in the form of scene illustrations combining multiple creatures.
  • Illustration Canvas Print Frames – I plan to continue creating customized frames for each of my illustrations.
  • Red Bubble Catch Up – Setting a deadline for updating each newly finished and released portrait or illustration.
  • Expansion – Develop illustrations on a splinter line that are quicker to create and potentially making a separate set of pricing tiers that fits with these quicker illustrations.
  • Plan for phase II and III of Grotesque Moi! – More on these after the above has been integrated.
  • Grotesque Moi!’s Patreon Page – Add more sketches and line drawings to Grortesque Moi!’s Patreon page..

Plans for Terrene and Ba’anta

Now that Terrene and Ba’anta have been hinted at in the lore of the Grotesque Moi! creatures, it’s time to start the story debuting this world on Patreon!

  • It’s time to share the first posted sketches that was in my early blog posts here to Patreon.
  • All future sketches will debut on Patreon first.
  • Publish the updated labeled geographical map of Ba’anta on Patreon.
  • Create a large (maybe 48”x36”) illustration of the lands of Terrene.

There’s a lot of things planned out here! I will have to create a calendar to keep things on track!

Indicates Grotesque Moi! Exclusives And White Tier Merchandise!
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Grotesque Moi!: Update #24 Centaurius, Le Roi Chevalier

Le Roi Chevalier 16”x20” Canvas Print

I’ve been anxiously waiting for the moment when I could bring to you this magnificent creature! He is the latest addition to my Grotesque Moi! Collection. Perhaps you would like to know more about the Centaurians or Le Roi Chevalier. You can find all that is known of them here on the Grotesque Moi! Home Page. If you would like to own a print or canvas print of him please check out my shop here on my website. He will soon also be available on my RedBubble shop at if you would like to collect him on other merchandise.

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Grotesque Moi!: Other Projects 1

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I’ve kept this quiet for as long as I can! I’ve begun working on some side projects for Grotesque Moi!. As I get image(s) and info for the new stuff I’m creating. I will post updates as I have something worth posting.

This is a rough sketch for a possible comic I’ll be creating. It will be part of one f the character’s back story.

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New Things for the New Year: Part 3

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Posting here first before it goes up on other social media! This is a new video ad that I made for my work for Grotesque Moi!. Everything (including the music) was created by me! If you like my work and want to own a part of it, there are different levels of prints and commissions available here on my website shop. Patreon is another option where you can support at any tier.

As a reminder, please support your favorite artist. It’s easy to assume that they’re ok especially if they’re producing work. Many are struggling because they are not able to make their normal income from conventions and art markets because of the world situation with COVID19. Financial support is best of course but you can help in other ways. Likes, comments and sharing helps bring their work to so many others.

Thank you for being there to help us through a difficult time!

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Grotesque Moi!: Update #23 Akrep

This is Akrep the Scorpion Warrior. A digital illustration completed March 2020. Created with Procreate, Manga Studio5, Wacom Intuous and Ipad Pro!

This has been a long time in the making! May I finally Introduce to you Akrep the The Scorpion Warrior! Originally scheduled to be completed in October last year, there have been many trials to bring her forth. True to her nature, every step of the way has been a battle! Every bit of it has been well worth it. She is tough, powerful and deadly! I’m very happy to give you this chance to see her!

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New Things for the New Year!

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I hope everyone’s New Year is off to a great start! If you’ve made resolutions, I hope you have a great plan and succeed by the end of the year!

XT Illos has some new things coming this year, too! Before we get to that, I wanted to remind everyone that Grotesque Moi! has exclusive content on the creatures being created over on our Patreon account! There’s also a couple of reference videos that are free to download over there, too!

Speaking of Grotesque Moi!, there’s a couple of new things on the horizon! I’m looking into possibly doing stickers and coloring books. This means there will be a new set of flat color pieces done for these projects.

For XT Illos there will be some new tutorials and processing for some of the projects I’m working on there. The instructional videos will be made available to purchase by download. There’s quite a few projects that I have to choose from!

As for everyone who has been with me from the beginning I have a surprise for you coming up soon over on Patreon! Also, for any who is fairly recent, there will be something for you in the works too on Patreon!

I hope everyone will have a great and prosperous 2020!🎊🎉🍾🥳😁

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Grotesque Moi! Update #20 Id


I’m happy to finally present to you the inspiration that started this project. I present to you Id! The physical embodiment of the Freudian model of id, ego and super-ego. There is much to share about him that I will be posting in my Patreon. I can say that he has been around since before I understood who or what he is. It is truly thanks to Id that I’m here to share all of these things with you, today! Without further ado I give you Id!

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Grotesque Moi! #14 Project Update “Tamaska-Ahas, Lupinenaga”

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I’m happy to introduce everyone to the latest creature for Grotesque Moi! This is Tamaska-Ahas. He is a Lupinenaga prince. I have been excited to create him for awhile. He was one of a group of sketches i did when I first came up with the idea of of what would become Grotesque Moi! To learn more about any of the creatures of Grotesque Moi! you are invited to become a patron at

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Grotesque Moi!

When I started seriously drawing, I would find myself drawing creatures. My mom would ask jokingly, “Why are you drawing them uglies?”. I would tell her because it’s what’s in my head and they’re not really ugly. It is just their appearance. Creating creatures has been a part of my art since the beginning. Dragons have always been my favorite but I like to create lots of other mythical creatures, too.

Frequently I’m asked if I can do portrait work. Usually this is while I’m showing examples of my creatures. I decided, “Why not do something that is mutually beneficial? “. Combining the portraits with my creatures! We can each have a part in creating a unique portrait! Grotesque Moi! was born (or more accurately, hatched)!

Grotesque is a French name for the statuary adorning the tops of Gothic architecture. Grotesque is also a description for that which is not what is sometimes considered as normal. The things that found to be odd, disturbing, abhorrent or unnatural. All are somewhat a description of what Grotesque Moi! is about. Taking what is natural and hybridizing it into a fantastically new beautiful creation! Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.


This is an Illustration project with you the fan and collector in mind. Inside you will find yourself transformed into your favorite fantasy creature! As your guide and illustrator, I will help you find the best hybridized image of yourself as your fantasy creature. When completed you will receive your illustration digitally printed on a 16″ x 20″ canvas ready for you to frame. Each completed purchase of a tier will set aside a block of my time to create your fantasy creature illustration. Below is a breakdown of each tier. There are five levels to choose from. Four are illustration levels and the fifth is for prints when they become available. Please look for details of these tiers represented by the icons below in my store for more information about how to purchase.

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Grotesque Moi! Promotion II – Uila – 3


On my website at Grotesque Moi! has completed it’s first quarter. The ladies have the honor of occupying that honor. April starts the first set of the guys! Please commission and purchase the newly released prints through my website shop! Also, for anyone wanting to support Grotesque Moi! please check my Patreon at Please like, share, follow and support where you can! Thank you for your support!